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Meet with an Expert at LMT Lab Day

Date:  February 22-24, 2024

The fast-changing dentistry landscape presents unique challenges that require you to continuously evolve your skill set. 

At LMT Lab Day Chicago, we're inviting you to stop by our booth and discover how you can level up your dental production with new technologies, applications and digital workflows. 

Whether you're looking to scale Removables, Implantology, Crowns & Bridges or Orthodontics production, we are ready to demonstrate our solutions and to discuss your unique business context.

Stratasys Dental experts will also present on a range of topics throughout the three-day event, including multi-material and full-color 3D printing as well as on TrueDent, our unique denture solution.

All lectures will take place in Roosevelt 3B.

You can learn more and register for the lectures here.

Join us for LMT LAB DAY Chicago 2024, February 22-24, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago!

Booth Number: A-9, B-8, East Exhibit Hall 

Date: 2月 21-23,2024