Japan (日本語)
Japan (日本語)

The Stratasys J55 3D printer broadcast JP sub





ストラタシスCEO、Yoav Zeifと一流の工業デザインの専門家たちが、あらゆる場面での可能性を明らかにする、30分程度のバーチャル新製品発表会(録画)をご覧ください。


You know that in today’s ever-changing landscape, designers and design engineers are constantly finding new ways to up their product development game, make processes more efficient, and get products to market faster. Find out how innovative design firms are disrupting the status quo to transform the design world with the latest in 3D printed realism. Join Stratasys CEO, Yoav Zeif and leading industrial design experts for a pre-recorded 30-minute virtual launch event that will unveil the possibilities at every turn.